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2 May 2024
The Link between Mobilization and Project Success
Is mobilization an issue with your organization's employees? Only a third of employees are deeply engaged. Only a third of…
25 April 2024
User Involvement – The Success Factor of a Change That Still Eludes Us
Change Success Factors - The Same Since The 1990's In project management and change management, reference is frequently made to the…
25 April 2024
The Two Key Responsibilities of a Change Sponsor
The Two Key Responsibilities of a Change Sponsor Once we’ve accepted that efficient sponsorship is the key success factor of…
18 April 2024
Efficient Sponsorship: Key Change Success Factor
Vous cherchez le facteur clé de succès des changements ? Regardez du côté du parrainage. Un parrainage efficace gage de…
11 April 2024
Beware of the reptilian brain when preparing for change
When learning of a major change or experiencing it, our brain often interprets it as a threat. Interestingly, the latest…
4 April 2024
Can resistance be a precious tool in project management? (Part 2 of 2)
In my previous blog post I covered the importance of listening to user preoccupations. Now that you understand why these preoccupations are…
4 April 2024
Can resistance be a precious tool in project management? (Part 1 of 2)
With every project brought forth or every change implemented come concerns from the users who will have to integrate it.…
28 March 2024
More clarity please!
“Collaborating sure, but on what?” When I ask managers to identify barriers to collaboration within their organization, the lack of…
21 March 2024
5 reasons why involving end-users during a project makes so much sense!
To speed up the adoption of changes being brought forth by projects, one of the key success factors is user involvement.…
21 March 2024
Leveraging Change series – Engaging the entire organization
n recent months, I started to share with you my views concerning the levers required for sustainable changes. They are…
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