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Defining a transformation execution program

Manufacturing Industry.


This manufacturing organization had acquired one of its largest competitors and had to integrate both organizations with large projects that were all very important and urgent (closing plants, modernizing production equipment, restructuring the organization, implementing a new ERP to replace old and obsolete systems in both companies, etc.) They had drawn up a five-year plan of which 80% had to be achieved in the first 12 months.  A year later, despite good will and lots of discussion, no progress had been made. Our mandate was to support the Management Team in the development and roll out of a transformation program.


Facilitate workshops with the Management Team to define their vision, the major transformation programs and associated benefits. Plan and facilitate strategic retreats with all managers. Define and contribute to the roll out of a Transformation Office and coach the newly appointed transformation leader. Support the Management Committee in defining their operating modes for the transformation (annual, quarterly, monthly meetings etc.) Support the HRVP in developing his cultural transformation program.



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